Sunday, 23 February 2025

Recruitment & Talent Management Insight

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Great ideas are a building block of business and career success. The execution of ideas and processes by the talent is the essential ingredient that generates customer satisfaction, effective innovation, increased revenues and business growth.

Given that approximately ninety per cent of top professionals in STEM and other sectors are NOT actively looking for a new role, and up to 80% of jobs aren't widely advertised, and that many employers are empowering their own internal recruitment efforts and teams, the paradigm for talent acquisition and talent management has changed and continues to evolve. The top quality, most effective candidates in any industry or function are almost always currently employed or engaged in self-employed projects. This is true in business as it is in elite sports - taking football as an example (soccer), the most sought-after goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and forwards are usually with a club and playing (injuries permitting).

Following this, the very best talent is less shy in seeking a role elsewhere if they feel they are lacking career or role fulfillment.

Both the candidate (the talent), and the recruiter must operate in a smarter, more effective way to achieve results. The employer must change because their talent is more prone to wanting benefits and to be empowered and acknowledged, as well as wanting to be part of an engaging mission and a company that will pay well and improve their CV.

The Recruitment Times will be focusng on two value chains to provide insight and tips for talent professionals, management, and business owners.

Talent Acquisition / Recruitment Process Value Chain
(the essential analysis of the skill need and the execution of strategy to source the talent that fits with the need and the company and / or team culture, and the initial induction)

The Talent Management Value Chain
(The touchpoints of employee engagement from on-boarding, to talent utilisation and performance monitoring and reward)

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Reference Sources (availability of jobs):

[UK] ARC launches "Fairer Tax Relief Campaign"

The ARC responds to new changes in tax rules that will apply from 6th April, by launching the Fairer Tax Relief Campaign. This campaign proposes that all agency workers should be entitled to tax relief on home to work travel expenses so maximising the flexibility and benefit of the full staffing resource for employers nationwide. Also all agency workers should have the same entitlement regardless of any other status, except where sector specific rules apply - e.g. CIS, so rendering obsolete tax status rules that engender inequality and unfairness.

This requires a wholesale change to current government policy which invites division and unfairness.

ARC Chairman Adrian Marlowe says:

"Company or 'genuine' self-employed workers are set to retain tax benefits that other workers supplied through agencies, potentially lower paid, are not to receive. This inequality of treatment is unfair and encourages confusion, tax abuse and avoidance schemes - all of which are detrimental to the recruitment industry. Our campaign for one rule for all agency workers, regardless of status, makes sense from every perspective. We have been looking into this idea from the moment government announced its policy. Everyone I have spoken to in the agency sector has commented that it makes complete sense. The only question is 'can we persuade government?' - well we can't do that unless we try, and we need the support of the industry."

Adrian Marlowe concludes:

"It is clear that a new and refreshing approach is required and now is the time for change"

Details about the campaign are available online at and how to support is at

Information about the Association of Recruitment Consultancies

ARC was formed in 2009 and represents recruitment businesses with a combined turnover of approximately £2bn p.a.. ARC is dedicated to improving conditions for recruitment and agency work, and has a particular focus on lobbying and addressing confusing legislation. Achievements include helping change Employment Tribunal rules and removing gold plating from the Agency Workers Regulations. ARC offers full legal support services for its members.

For further information please contact Darren on 01273 777997

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